President’s Letter

Members and Friends

I would like to say a few words to honor Michele Lindsay, who served on our Board as third VP for several years. Michele was kind, generous and a bright light among us. Her recent passing means she will be greatly missed.
For Michele:

The rose fades
and is renewed again by its seed, naturally
but where
save in the poem
shall it go
to suffer no diminution
of its splendor
—Poet William Carlos Williams (1883-1963)

This year the members garden party hosted by Lisa Vahradian was delightful, and several of our members who have retired on the North Fork were there. It was great to see such dear members as Diane Vahradian and Nancy Rollins.

At the SRS Board Meeting on October 15th, 2022, the President’s Trophy was awarded to Lisa Vahradian for her outstanding service to the SRS. Thank you, Lisa, for your extraordinary dedication and enthusiasm.

We welcome Wendy Serkin to a new Board position as Dune Rose Chair. We look forward to working together to build great educational content for each edition of Dune Rose. Also, congratulations for your hard work to become an official rosarian! Your dedication and perseverance is an inspira- tion to all of us.

Welcome Selena May, who has a great deal of professional experience with public relations and a passion for creative marketing ideas! We look forward to your help in raising the awareness and importance of our organization. Serena is now on our Board as Publicity Chair.

A big thanks to Anne White, who continues to write great content for Dune Rose. She also coordinates the layout with our designer, Suki Boynton, and gets Dune Rose to our printer for publication and to Curtis Eaves, our webmaster. Anne has a beautiful way with words, as well as a deep appreciation for gardens. She has also become a board member as Photography Chair.

We also welcome Perry Guillot to the Advisory Board. Perry is a distinguished landscape architect, the recipient of the Arthur Ross Award for Landscape Architecture, and many more honors and accomplishments. The SRS is thrilled to have Perry on our Advisory Board!

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season!

Warm regards,